Lǚ Dòngbīn considered compassion to be an essential means for attaining perfection. His sword was not a tool for killing enemies, but for overcoming ignorance, aggression and passion. Through his experiences, he had decisively influenced the development of Daoism, and is venerated by the school as a profound teacher and its founder.
The Eight Immortals
Are a group of legendary xian (“immortals; transcendents; saints”) in Chinese mythology. Each Immortal’s power can be transferred to a power tool (法器) that can bestow life or destroy evil. The Eight Immortals or Ba Xian (八仙), are legendary beings of the Daoist sect. They are believed to have lived at various times in history and attained immortality through their cultivation of Dao or nature’s secret.
Great Teachings
3 teachings that ultimately unite as one!三教同歸一善路!
Dao De Ching (道德經) of Daoism, Filial pâté virtues (孝經) by Confucianism and compassionate teaching (慈悲) by Buddhism should be advocated as the core values of each and every individual in this planet!

Nine Heavenly Goddess
The Nine Heavenly Goddess is the early God that helped Huangdi to subdue Chi You by teaching him military strategy. She is a divine God who invented compass and is the pioneer master and creator in Feng Shui.
Metaphysics is a traditional branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world that encompasses it.
Feng Shui
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Buddhist Quotes
The pure in heart who fear to sin The good kindly in word and deed These are the beings in the world Whose nature should be called divine.
If you injure a harmless person the evil will fall back upon you like light dust thrown up against the wind.
A benefit given to the good is like characters engraven on a stone a benefit given to the evil is like a line drawn on water.